Recovery Supports

Recovery Housing

McKinley Hall offers five recovery houses, two for men and three for women. We will have a sixth house open by September of 2020. There are 26 beds for women with an additional 9 beds for children in the care of their mothers. There are 10 beds for men. Recovery housing is designed to help individuals early in recovery access a safe and sober place to live with the right amount of structure to gain and maintain stability, support and accountability.

McKinley Hall is an Associate of Ohio Recovery Housing. This means our housing meets the standards for the National Alliance of Recovery Residences, a national organizations that sets the standards for Recovery Housing throughout the United States. We take pride in the quality of Recovery Housing offered by McKinley Hall.  McKinley Hall offers level II and level III housing, for Clark County residents.

Peer Support Specialists

McKinley Hall recognizes and values the need for supportive services. We know that without supportive services, it is likely that treatment efforts will not be successful. In addition to Recovery Housing, we offer access to Peer Support Specialists. These are individuals with lived experience who are able to walk through the recovery process with someone early in recovery. Peer Support Specialists are not only present in our outreach programs, but also in our recovery houses and various levels of treatment.

Contact Information

For more information, please call 937-328-5300 ext. 0